Life can be very hard on our bodies, specifically on the pelvic floor.  Childbirth, surgery, the aging process and prostate issues, all cause challenges with the pelvic floor. Whatever the cause, pelvic floor disorders (PFDs) affect a lot of people in this country and can present with various physical symptoms, which can be embarrassing and inconvenient. In some cases, surgery may be needed, but for many a non-invasive approach is very effective. People with PFD do not often think of acupuncture as a treatment option, yet it can be very helpful when combined with physical therapies such as kegel exercises. Acupuncture can increase the blood
It’s Autumn again. The leaves are turning colour and falling. The days are shortening. Everyone I know seems to be getting covid. Covid hasn’t gone away. The weekly rate in the UK up to the 11th of September 2024 is 1,659 according to the British Government’s UKHSA data dashboard, up 3.6% on the previous week.  Most people will fully recover within a few weeks but unfortunately a proportion go on to develop longer lasting symptoms and complications. A study for the Office of National Statistics estimates that about 10% of people can have symptoms for more than 12 weeks.  These symptoms can include fatigue, brain
Sciatica Joe Stevens Acupuncture
I get a lot of calls from people suffering with sciatica.  They experience tingling and burning in their lower backs and the discomfort often goes down the path of the sciatic nerve into the leg. They report numbness and pain and often experience muscle weakness resulting from interrupted nerve signals. They want to know if acupuncture can help them. Acupuncture can indeed be effective in treating sciatica. It works by stimulating the body’s own ability to release anti-inflammatories and painkillers to reduce inflammation and pain in the lower back.  It targets the muscles and nerves involved in the problem area to release tightness, decreasing muscular
I’ve recently been contacted by a number of people asking if acupuncture can help them with sleep issues. Sleep is problematic for many people.  It has been estimated that as many as one in three people in the UK find it difficult to achieve good quality refreshing sleep. There are many different patterns of poor sleep. Some people find it hard to fall asleep. Some get to sleep quickly but can’t stay asleep.  Some are disturbed by vivid dreams.  Some are kept awake by pain, or by worry, or by low mood.  Sometimes the issue is hormonal imbalance, for example during the menopause. If you
There are two contrasting theories as to why people get sick – germ theory and terrain theory. Germ theory suggests that there is usually a specific cause for any disorder, for example a bacterial infection. The cause is bacteria. A physician thinking in this way would use anti-biotics as a first line of treatment. Whether it is bacteria or a fungus or a virus, the doctor diagnoses a specific agent as the cause and the treatment plan would be to deal with that agent. Terrain theory on the other hand argues that it is the health of the body’s internal environment that is the fundamental